Radiometric Station - Patra's University Campus

The solar irradiance now

Date of measurementsWed 23-10-2024 14:59:00 UTC
Diffuse solar irradiance29.8 W/m2
Total solar irradiance97.0 W/m2
Sunrise (*)04:50:06 UTC
Sunset (*)15:44:06 UTC

NOTE: Above measurements are 1 min averages of 1 sec scans. The web page values are updated automatically from the measurement station every 20 minutes.

(*) Sunrise and sunset times are not obtained from the measurement station, but are calculated for the date of measurements by the web server using the station coordinates.

Measurement station time is in UTC. Local station time is UTC +3 hours. UTC is the Universal Time Coordinated.

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Last hour graphs up to 14:59 UTC

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

Last 24 hour values graphs up to 14:00 UTC

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

Last 10 days graphs up to 22-10-2024

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

Automatic Measurement Station information

weather station photo

The Automatic Radiometric Station is property of Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the University of Patras and it is located on the terrace of the laboratory at the University Campus, Patras, Greece.

The measurement station elevation is 44.5 m and the location coordinates are: 38° 17' 28.91'' N, 21° 47' 18.90'' E.

The installed equipment is the following:

Data loggerCR1000Campbell Scientific Ltd
PyranometersCM11Kipp & Zonen
Pyranometer with Shadow ringCM11 & CM121Kipp & Zonen
Sunshine duration sensorCSD 3Kipp & Zonen

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