Automatic Weather Station - Moschato Athens GR

The weather now

Date of measurementsWed 16-10-2024 07:34:00 UTC
Air temperature24.5 ° C
Relative humidity38.8 %
Wind speed4.2 m/s (3 Beaufort, 8.2 Knots)
Wind direction20.4 ° (NNE - Greco-Tramontana)
Air pressure1016.6 mbar
Rainfall0.0 mm
Dew point9.6 ° C
Discomfort index20.9 (Warm)
Maximum wind speed8.1 m/s (5 Beaufort, 15.7 Knots)

NOTE: Above measurements are 2 min averages of 10 sec scans. The web page values are updated automatically from the measurement station every 2 minutes. The sectors coloured ■■■ represent the wind direction variability during the 2 min interval.

Measurement station time is in UTC. Local station time is UTC +3 hours. UTC is the Universal Time Coordinated.

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NNE Wind (Greco-Tramontana) Strength: Gentle breeze

Last hour graphs up to 07:34 UTC

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

Last hour wind direction and speed graph up to 07:34 UTC

The concentric circles represent records of the last 60 min at 4 min intervals, with the latest value represented by the outer circle (hour 07:34 UTC). Dots between circles correspond to intermediate measurements at 2 min intervals. The vectorial mean wind direction for the last 60 min is presented by the ■■ radius with current value 12.3 ° (NNE - Greco-Tramontana). Only measurements with wind speed > 0.00 m/s are taken into account in the calculation The colour of the dots represents the wind speed in accordance with the colour code which follows.

Wind speed

00 - 0.30.0 - 0.6
10.3 - 1.60.6 - 3.1
21.6 - 3.43.1 - 6.6
33.4 - 5.56.6 - 10.7
45.5 - 810.7 - 15.6
58 - 10.815.6 - 21.0
610.8 - 13.921.0 - 27.0
713.9 - 17.227.0 - 33.4
817.2 - 20.833.4 - 40.4
920.8 - 24.540.4 - 47.6
1024.5 - 28.547.6 - 55.4
1128.5 - 32.755.4 - 63.6
12>= 32.7>= 63.6

Last 24 hour values graphs up to 07:00 UTC

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

(*) The chart is derived from the mean vectorial hourly values.

Last 14 days graphs up to 15-10-2024

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

Automatic Measurement Station information

weather station photo

The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) is property of Scientific Enterprises Ltd and it is located on the terrace of the central offices of the company at Moschato, Athens, Greece.

The measurement station elevation is 25 m and the location coordinates are: 37° 57' 28.10'' N, 23° 41' 6.56'' E.

The installed equipment is the following:

Data loggerCR800Campbell Scientific Ltd
Ethernet interface cardNL201Campbell Scientific Ltd
Air pressure sensorRPT410VDruck Ltd
Temperature & rel. humidity sensorHC2-SRotronic A.G.
Wind speed sensorΑ100RWindspeed Ltd
Wind direction sensorW200PWindspeed Ltd
Rainfall sensor52203R.M. Young Co
Multi-Plate Radiation Shield41003PR.M. Young Co

Download measurements

It is possible to download 2 min measurements in a comma separated values (CSV) form. By clicking on the buttons below you can download measurements of the last hour, the current month or the last month. It is also possible to download measurements for a user selectable time period through the use of the RESTful API which is supported by our web application. If you are interested in this feature please contact us. You may find the contact information in our web page .

Messaging services

It is possible for our web application to e-mail you a warning message in case of recording measurements exceeding values you have set for some of the parameters measured by the AWS. For this service please contact us.

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