Automatic Weather Station - Nautical Athletic Club of Voula

The weather now

Date of measurementsTue 11-02-2025 04:55:00
Air temperature6.46 ° C
Relative humidity72.70 %
Air pressure1027.9 mbar
Wind speed2.7 m/s (2 Beaufort, 5.2 Knots)
Gust speed5.0 m/s (3 Beaufort, 9.7 Knots)
Wind direction352 ° (N - Tramontana)
Sunrise (*)07:18:50
Sunset (*)17:59:28

NOTE: The web page values are updated automatically from our service retrieving data from the HOBOlink service periodically. The HOBO weather station records every 2 min and automatically updates HOBOlink service approximately every 10 min. See the weather station HOBOlink web interface for the latest 10min values.

(*) Sunrise and sunset times are not obtained from the measurement station, but are calculated for the date of measurements by the web server using the station coordinates.

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N Wind (Tramontana) Strength: Light breeze

Last hour graphs up to 04:55

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

20 measurement sets are missing due to a communication problem. Measurements will be restored soon.

Last hour wind direction and speed graph up to 04:55

The concentric circles represent records of the last 60 min at 4 min intervals, with the latest value represented by the outer circle (hour 04:55). Dots between circles correspond to intermediate measurements at 2 min intervals. The vectorial mean wind direction for the last 60 min is presented by the ■■ radius with current value 352.4 ° (N - Tramontana). Only measurements with wind speed > 0.00 m/s are taken into account in the calculation The colour of the dots represents the wind speed in accordance with the colour code which follows.

Wind speed

00 - 0.30.0 - 0.6
10.3 - 1.60.6 - 3.1
21.6 - 3.43.1 - 6.6
33.4 - 5.56.6 - 10.7
45.5 - 810.7 - 15.6
58 - 10.815.6 - 21.0
610.8 - 13.921.0 - 27.0
713.9 - 17.227.0 - 33.4
817.2 - 20.833.4 - 40.4
920.8 - 24.540.4 - 47.6
1024.5 - 28.547.6 - 55.4
1128.5 - 32.755.4 - 63.6
12>= 32.7>= 63.6

20 measurement sets are missing from calculations due to a communication problem. Measurements will be restored soon.

Last 24 hour values graphs up to 04:00

Moving the mouse pointer over the chart curves you can see the measurement and the corresponding point in time

(*) The chart is derived from the mean vectorial hourly values.

1152 measurement sets are missing from calculations due to a communication problem. Measurements will be restored soon.

Automatic Measurement Station information

weather station photo

The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) it is located on the premises of the Nautical Athletic Club of Voula at the marina of Voula, Greece. The datalogger, HOBOnet Manager and smart sensors are mounted on a mast on the roof of the NACV building while the wireless wind sensor is mounted on another mast at a distance of 210 m located at the marina jetty near its entrance.

The measurement station elevation is 6 m and the location coordinates are: 37° 50' 23.41'' N, 23° 45' 37.98'' E.

The installed equipment is the following:

Data loggerHOBO RX3001-00-01Onset Computer Corporation
Smart Temperature & rel. humidity sensorHOBO S-TMB-M002Onset Computer Corporation
Solar Radiation ShieldHOBO RS3-BOnset Computer Corporation
Smart Air pressure sensorHOBO S-BPB-CM50Onset Computer Corporation
HOBOnet Manager for wireless sensorsHOBOnet RXMOD-RXW-xxxOnset Computer Corporation
Wireless Wind speed & direction sensorHOBOnet RXW-WCF-xxxOnset Computer Corporation

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